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292 State Route 101
Amherst, NH, 03031
United States


*North Shore Osteopathic, LLC was initially founded on Long Island, NY by Dr. B. Allyn Behling in 2014. Since that time, the practice has evolved and been relocated to New Hampshire, where patients may be referred for Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, personalized minimal and non-interventional pain management options, as well as other procedures and prescriptions to facilitate improved quality of life through Supportive and Palliative Rehabilitation Medicine.


Vibration and Mechanical Oscillation Desensitization Therapy


The use of Weighted Tuning Forks to apply vibrational or mechanical oscillatory energy are also used hospitals, research labs and police stations around the world. For example, hearing loss can be evaluated via a method known as the Rinne or Weber tests, which holds a tuning fork to parts of the head. The use of tuning forks can also identify whether a bone is fractured by holding a tuning fork close to the site of a suspected fracture.

Recent research has also indicates that low sound frequency (i.e., vibration) enhances bone density in animals and humans. Research and now application of vibration via Vibration Platforms have been in use over the last 10 years. The results show that frequencies which lie between 25-150 hz have been instrumental in healing muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments, and helpful in relieving pain via mechanical oscillation desensitization. In fact, researchers found that application of vibrational frequencies in this range helped to relieve pain in over 80 % of the participants with both acute and chronic pain. Research comes from studying the vibration of purring cats, which discovered frequencies between 25 – 50 hz can increase bone density by as much as 20%.