B. Allyn Behling, DO

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Restorative and Supportive Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R)
Manipulative Musculoskeletal Medicine
Diffuse and Traumatic Brain Injury
Centralized and Peripheral Neuropathic Pain Syndromes
Nerve Entrapment Disorders
Joint and Soft Tissue Disorders
Complicated Pain Syndromes
Post-Operative Pain Syndromes
Palliative Care Medicine

Dr. Behling completed her Undergraduate Medical Training through the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine between 2007-2011, then went on to complete her Graduate Medical Residency in PM&R with Hofstra - Northwell Health between 2011-2015. It was during this time that the Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Department Chair and Residency Director supported her efforts to start NORTH SHORE OSTEOPATHIC as a private practice during her second year of residency.

She continued to serve patients throughout the rest of her PM&R Residency as well as within NORTH SHORE OSTEOPATHIC while engaged as Chief Resident from 2014-2015 - as well as throughout Hofstra-Northwell Health’s Department of Internal Medicine Fellowship in Palliative Medicine from 2015 to 2017. Palliative Medicine experience enriched her understanding of acute on chronic symptomology, and refined her management practice on how best to individualize care plans for patients suffering with congenital anomalies and/or progressively worsening symptoms, impairments and disabilities from complex advancing illnesses .

Her services include management of patients’ over the age of 9 for symptoms of: vertigo, jaw and cranial disorders, tremors, balance and coordination disorders, neuromusculoskeletal disorders, complicated post-surgical or injury pain syndromes, poorly-controlled spasticity and pain syndromes related to central and peripheral nervous system disorders, as well as complicated headache and neurovestibularcognitive dysfunctions after traumatic and diffuse brain injuries.

Phone: (603) 718-9275
Fax: (603)704-3422
Email: Dr.Behling@northshoreosteopathic.com
For Scheduling, click HERE!

Brett Ashenfelter, DPT

Doctor of Physical Therapy
Pelvic Health
Peri-partum Specialist

Brett Ashenfelter, DPT completed her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2016 from Franklin Pierce University. After several years providing more general restorative physical therapy, she discovered a significant gap in women and peri-partum services. Thus, she began the journey to specialize in care for those with pelvic and groin pain, bladder issues, as well as peripartum care for mothers and infants.

She has been well-established in the Amherst, NH for over ten years, but is also a consultant for Dr. Behling’s patients as part of a more complete plan of care, especially for the below conditions marked by an asterisk.

Her range of services now includes the following:

  • Pre-natal Fitness Training

  • Pregnancy Symptoms

  • Peri-Partum Pain Syndromes*

  • Labor and Delivery Preparation

  • Pelvic Health Services including bladder and sexual dysfunction*

  • Infant Care and Bodywork

  • Infant Developmental Discovery 

For more information, please contact her via:

Phone:  (603) 417-3872
Fax:  (603) 600-4339
Email:  contact@oakphysicaltherapy.com
Website: https://oakphysicaltherapy.com/

Nicole Mosier

Structural Integration
Myofascial Release
Oncology Massage
Thai Massage

Nicole Mosier graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and Seacoast Career School and has been licensed to provide therapeutic myofascial therapies since 2012.

Her patients range from athletes to individuals with medically-complex issues, and strives to give her clients a compassionate presence and supportive environment with resources to help them make the life and health changes - from optimizing healthy weight goals, improving physical strength & endurance, or boosting one’s daily energy levels so as to improve their activity tolerance.

Nicole comes to the North Shore Osteopathic, LLC setting already with a well-established practice but is available as a consultant for Dr. Behling’s patients as part of a more complete plan of care. Dr. Behling will likely have Nicole Mosier undertake the below non-invasive procedures so as to optimize regular clinical time.

  • Therapeutic stretch, range of motion $60 (30-minute appointment)

  • Manual mobilization of atrophied or shortened tissue (scar, adhesion, myofibrosis) and/or joint $60 (30-minute appointment)

To schedule an appointment or to get or more information, please contact her via:

Phone: (603) 718-9275
For Scheduduling, click HERE!

Paul Mosier, MAOM, L.Ac., CCH

Board-certified acupuncturist
Certified consulting hypnotist

Paul Mosier, MAOM, L.Ac., CCH graduated from Brandeis University with a Bachelors of Science in Neuroscience and Computer Science, and a Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the New England School of Acupuncture (NESA).

He spent his time at NESA developing a painless needle insertion technique and in his clinical practice over the last ten years has emphasized connecting and listening to his patients, so he can bring them the best possible care. He generally serves the Veteran popuation but may also be a consultant for Dr. Behling’s patients as part of a more complete plan of care.

To schedule an appointment or to get or more information, please contact him via:

Phone: 603-213-6090
Scheduling Link:
Amherst Wellness Center
Amherst Wellness Center