Magnets are used for pain?

Magnets and magnetic therapy provide an invisible and noninvasive energy therapy similar to ultrasound or TENS therapy. It has been used to treat different types of pain such as arthritis or headaches for hundreds of years. Today, magnetic therapy is most commonly used for pain, inflammatory conditions, and wound healing.

  • Static or permanent magnets: These magnetic fields that are always on and do not change. Magnets are placed near or on the body to relieve pain or improve immune functions. Unfortunately, one of the more recent review of 7 research studies (576 participants) on the use of static magnets for various types of pain—diabetic neuropathy, sciatica, fibromyalgia, plantar heel pain, pelvic pain, neck and shoulder pain, forearm and wrist pain— had inconsistent results because the studies used different magnet strengths or dosing times. NORTH SHORE OSTEOPATHIC does not offer static magnet therapy but is happy to refer you to High-Power Magnet Therapiest in the area for more information as our shared patients have reported significant improvements with timely regimens.

  • Electromagnets: In this case, magnetic fields change in intensity as an electric current is passed through a wire coil containing magnetic material. A 2020 review of 21 research studies (1,101 participants) using pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) and its subtypes, including repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation showed efficacy when patients were appropriately selected.

  • Recently, other forms of electromagnetic therapy called transcranial magnetic stimulation (pulsed TMS or tPEMF) has been FDA-approved for stroke recovery, chronic pain, severe migraines, PTSD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety and depression. Pulsed TMS (tPEMF) uses magnetic fields to stimulate brain cells. While not an on-site option, Dr. Behling is also very happy to provide a referral to patients interested in this option.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy

  • NORTH SHORE OSTEOPATHIC does offer Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF) on site, which helps to reset pain receptors and facilitate healing and regeneration of structures. It is generally applied via laying on a mat or locally with a set of rings.

  • The active process requires frequent administration over several weeks via setting up a magnetic field with frequencies between 0.25 and 50 Hz around the site(s) requiring treatment - AND requires physician's prescription for use.

  • Absolute contraindications: MRI-incompatible devices, pacemakers and spinal cord stimulators.

  • Review of research between 2015-2024 for patients with fibromyalgia, patellofemoral (knee) pain, plantar fasciitis, hand and knee osteoarthritis, shoulder impingement syndrome, neck and back pain where surgery is not indicated (chronic nonspecific myofascial and mechanical LBP, chronic postoperative pain following lumbar surgery, cervical disc herniation, and lumbar spinal stenosis) confirmed improved pain scores and function nearly 3 weeks earlier than without using PEMF.

    The mechanism of some healing properties of PEMF treatment is still not completely understood, but significant evidence demonstrates benefits and lacks adverse effects when provided to the appropriate individuals.

    • Orthopedic/Physiatry: since 2004 for treatment of congenital pseudoarthrosis (incomplete joint), poorly healing fractures or failed spine surgery fusions.

    • Plastic Surgery: management of postoperative pain and edema in poorly healing wounds and major reconstructive surgeries.

    • Spinal Cord Injury Physiatry: believed to improve localized inflammation, oxidative stress and shock-proteins contributing to the functional recovery following spinal cord injury.

    • Neurology/Physiatry/Pain Management: research demonstrating over 80% of participants note improvements in peripheral neuropathic pain and other symptoms due to improvements in circulation and nerve regeneration.

Micro-Pulse ICES (Newest Form of PEMF)

North Shore Osteopathic is also pleased to offer Micro-Pulse ICES (Inductively Coupled Electrical Stimulation) core technology, which is the newest most efficient form of PEMF used in basic research and clinical practice to increase stem cell growth and differentiation so as to improve inflammation and healing of tissues after severe injury to the spine, nerves, and musculoskeletal system. This treatment is provided via placing “rings” about the site of dysfunction.

Example: PEMF protocol for low back pain:

  • Ring PEMF for 20 minutes 3x/week for 4 weeks in addition to other noninvasive options showed significant improvements in pain from spinal stenosis, sciatica and post-operative pain

  • Ring PEMF for 30 minutes 2x/week x 6 weeks offered similar benefits for back surgery patients

  • Mat PEMF 1 hour x 12+ days improved pain and function as well as mood, stress and anxiety during acute or sub-acute low back pain flares or panic-attacks

Example: PEMF protocol for neck pain:

  • Ring PEMF for 20 minutes 2x/week for 6 weeks showed improvements in pain, mood and disability


The use of Weighted Tuning Forks to apply vibrational or mechanical oscillatory energy are used hospitals, research labs and police stations around the world.

  • Hearing loss can be evaluated via a method known as the Rinne or Weber tests, which holds a tuning fork to parts of the head.

  • Tuning forks can also identify whether a bone is fractured by holding a tuning fork close to the site of a suspected fracture.

  • Research and application of vibration via Vibration Plates and Platforms have been in use over the last 10 years. Research results show that frequencies between 25-150 Hz have been instrumental in healing muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments, and helpful in relieving pain via mechanical oscillation desensitization.

    • Application of vibrational frequencies in this range helped to relieve pain in over 80 % of the participants with both acute and chronic pain.

    • Research comes from studying the vibration of purring cats, which discovered frequencies between 25 – 50 Hz can increase bone density by as much as 20%.